HandLHang -- #Hangout#Hangover


not available

HandLHang is a custom made app which helps you to Chat, Meet and Beat the hangover.It’s very rare app which covers entire spectrum of 'right from planning for a Hangout , sharing the local offers/deals with your best buddies and to manage ‘after effects’ of drinking with personalized diet plan.
Just like any fun loving citizen wants HandLHang posts on rare bytes of info mostly around Drinks and Food, not leaving your HEALTH behind!!
This is very special and USP lies in dynamic creation of diet plan for users based on their geographical location, drink type, gender, quantity and other trivial factors which form the inputs for diet plans. Which assures active day ahead.
What's in it for Business?
Restaurants /Bars/Food joints can post of offers/deals!!! We will make sure customer is aware of this deal How are we different?
Location based notification of your offers to users is-- People in radius of 8 miles would be sent a notification on the deals-- We take your offers to potential customers
Build an very effective 'SOCIAL CUSTOMER NETWORK' -- Believe US this would have customers waiting for their chance to 'GET IN'